Diving in Galapagos. The best options

The Galapagos Islands is one of the most desired tourist places to visit in Ecuador, its incredible natural charm and the wide variety of biodiversity.

Galapagos is one of the most acclaimed ecological tourist destinations worldwide for its high percentage of endemism. These pristine islands , located 1000 km off the coast of Ecuador at the intersection of 4 ocean currents, have a marine reserve that houses an impressive biodiversity with an outcrop of extremely rich marine nutrients.      

Hammerhead sharks , eagle rays , seahorses , corals , reef fish , turtles and sea lions are some of the species that make the Galapagos waters the ideal place to discover the secrets of the ocean. My adventure began in the Itabaca Channel on Santa Cruz Island when I boarded a daily diving tour boat . With the instruction of Fredy Ramos, he was heading to one of the best places to enjoy the depths of the sea, North Seymour .              

I opted for the diving option for beginners , I had never immersed myself in the depths of the ocean and was looking for unforgettable experiences. As relevant data you should know that if you are an inexperienced diver you should inform yourself about the activity before diving. It is necessary to adopt all the safety measures prior to the trip, listen carefully to the recommendations of your instructor, perform the breathing exercises correctly and do not miss a single detail of the instructions under the sea. 

The amazing life under the sea

The first time I plunged into the ocean I experienced a sense of liberation and peace in a totally different world where the force of gravity seemed to be absent. The novice divers as I can dive up to 12 meters deep, but enough to be surprised by the mysteries of the sea. Immediately I could see small and harmless blankets swimming , green turtles feeding on algae, thousands of goldfish and sea lions playing among the schools. Definitely an amazing experience!       

One of the main attractions of the Galapagos waters is the hammerhead shark . This migratory species travels to the Galapagos Islands in search of reefs with cleansing fish that deworm and cleanse your body becoming a cleaning station. This shark has electroreceptors that are used to detect electrical signals while hunting on the seabed. In northern islands it is common to observe large schools of hammerhead sharks.     

The best time to go scuba diving through the ' one-day tour ' is the month of December, in this season the current from Panama arrives and the transition from cold to hot waters begins, so there is greater visibility of the seabed. In the case of diving through a waterway cruise the best time is August when seen in the Darwin Island and Wolf to the whale shark , the largest fish in the ocean that exceeds 15 meters in length.        

Other options for deep diving in Galapagos are:  

Sleeping Lion , Gordon Rocks , Mosquera and Darwin's Arch . Several of the sites are available only by navigable cruise, so it is important to contact an authorized service provider to choose the place and ensure an incredible adventure that meets our expectations.    

Discovering the marine treasures of Galapagos , through diving, allowed me to meditate on the importance of being responsible with nature, not degrading the marine environment, respecting wildlife and not contaminating or dumping waste into the sea. These significant actions are some of the things we can do to enjoy tourism in the depths of the sea and conserve ocean habitats. 

Do you dare to live an adventure under the sea? The Enchanted Islands are the option for you.  

Source: Ecuador.Travel

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