Napo Province

Napo is a province from the Amazon region of Ecuador, characterized by having a high biological diversity, here we show you everything you have to know about it and the incredible places you should know.

Napo Ecuador

Cradle of the great nationalities of the Amazon

Napo is the territory of two majestic and very important nationalities of eastern Ecuador, the Amazonian Quichua and Huaoranis. Its production is based on the trade of resources in the area, tourism, livestock and agriculture. The large extraction industries such as timber and agriculture, deserve the name by which it is known as "Tierra de la Canela", was one of the first areas to settle and where settlements could start exporting species and agricultural products that the first expeditionaries ventured to sow.

Napo's History

Provincialization date: February 12 (Provincialization and Amazon Day)

When the Spanish conquerors founded Quito city, the presence of Quijos Province, which was consecutively called the Province of Coca, was already known; this region was abundant in gold, and expeditionaries, for their interest, set out to conquer and explore, however the Quijos people provided that the Spaniard tried to enter the Amazon land, swept them with the power of their spears, only after an agreement between the two parts, the first and oldest Amazon city, the city of Baeza, could be constituted, which for centuries would be the capital of what is now called Napo Province.

Napo Cantons

Napo River

The Napo River is abundant and its length crosses from Ecuador to Peru, measuring approximately 1400 m long, this tourist place in eastern Ecuador allows water adventure activities such as:

  • kayaking
  • tubing

Napo Tourism

Napo tourist attractions

The province has nature treasures that we should all visit and enjoy, these reveal the tangible and intangible wealth of its culture, history and traditions. Napo tourist attractions.

  • Puerto Misahuallí (Port): One of the most visited places near Tena Canton, it is located 20 minutes away. There is the Misahuallí River full of Amazonian flora and fauna that will captivate your senses, there is also the central park that is usually a cabin for monkeys in the area who have become accustomed to the coming and going of tourists.
  • Jumandy Caverns: They are located 10 minutes from Archidona. The darkness of the Jumandy caves is a highly recommended adventure, the whole tour lasts about 5 hours. The resort also has slides, natural water pool, sports spaces and cabins for lodging.
  • Amazonian Park La Isla: Environmental awareness center where our forests value and the maintenance of natural resources are taught through environmental education.
  • Archidona Central Park: You have many important attractions that are representative in the Central Park, including the clock and mosaic of tourist information that is integrated into the urban environment of the Park.
  • Baeza Antigua (Ancient Baeza): it is a kind of old town that preserves part of the first painting with the traditional scheme of the composition of a central square. It consists of "36 houses" built in wood and characteristic finishes of hot areas.
  • Papallacta: is located between Quito and Baeza and its hot water baths are very famous for their relaxing and even healing effects. In this place it is possible to rest from the trip or visit it in search of a relaxing space. The Papallacta lagoon is part of the great drinking water reserve of the capital, there are also trout for fishing and lagoons for bathing.
  • San Rafael Waterfall: known as one of the greatest waterfalls in eastern Ecuador. The waterfall, located on the Coca River, has a drop length of more than 150 meters. The entrance to San Rafael is located just to the limit of the provinces of Napo and Sucumbíos on the Quito highway.
  • Sumaco National Park: Sumaco an experience that will leave unforgettable memories thanks to the unsurpassed beauty of the jungle, is in the northwest of the province of Napo.

Napo Climate

In all the year the rain is little. Its average temperature reaches 25 ° C. Before visiting it, it is important to take into account appropriate clothing for the stay in this Amazonian climate, the use of a mosquito repellent and blocker.

The activities to plan in the area force us to wear a hat or cap, sunglasses and in certain sections the use of boots helps a lot to reach the destination.

Culture and traditions

The song is something very representative in the province indigenous people’s tradition and culture. Each song has a peculiar meaning, many of them tell ancestors stories, also celebrations that exalt activities such as hunting, fishing, likewise the lyrics speak of usual things that happen during the day; the work in the farm, the food preparation and the raising of children.

For the Waoranis people, the songs were a fundamental part of the war. Before organizing a march of revenge or attack, the Waorani warriors sang and danced. Once the objective was accomplished and once they had returned home they sang songs that ratified the motives of the attack and the consequences.

According to some historians, the ancients knew how to sing during the day, night and dawn. Nowadays ethnic people sing mainly during the holiday season to extol their customs, traditions and stories, it is a custom that makes their past endure over time.

Popular festivals of Napo: La chonta Feast

Napo Typical Food

Some of Napo's popular foods are as follows:

  • Maito de Tilapia or Carachama: They are fish from the area that for their traditional preparation are wrapped in leaves, are tied and hoes, you can also prepare the maito of guanta, palm, all the ingredients are from the Amazon, a different flavor and Unique that delights tourists.
  • Trout (Quijos): A striking gastronomic dish, you find it in all the restaurants of Quijos. You can say that it is the special dish of this place, there is a wide variety of preparations according to the taste and craving of the visitor.
  • Maitos (Quijos): They are prepared from different types of meats: guanta, guatusa and fish. According to tradition these meats are wrapped, in the famous leaves of platanillo or bijao and then prepared in the stove at the desired finish.
  • The chontacuro: It is tradition to consume the larva that inhabits the Chonta, once the tree is overthrown the Chontacuro worm is obtained that is barely roasted as a skewer or tasted live directly from the Chonta to the mouth


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