Quito: Historical, modern and its surroundings

Relive Quito's colonial history in Latin America's best-preserved Historic Center. Fall in love with its old rustic and colonial houses that embellish the place; and enlighten yourself with the shine of this city called "The Light of America" because the fire of the entire region's independence was ignited on its streets.
In the center you cannot miss the religious tour to famous temples such as the striking La Compañía de Jesús, the Basilica, the Cathedral, and others. Besides, you must visit the museums where you will find Quito's traditions, curious old objects found in these colonial houses, and historio characters, such as Manuela Sáenz, Eugenio Espejo, several heroes and presidents represented in wax figures that will help you discover historio Quito.
Undoubtedly one of Quito's main attractions is its well-preserved history. This is why the World Travel Awards elected this city as South America's 2016 leading destination, for the fourth consecutive year.
Cross the Historic Center to the North, with the Basilica as your headlight. The closer you get to this monument, the closer you will be to the limits between the Historic Center and modern Quito. The rustic houses turns into high modern buildings and broad concrete streets, where you may explore the cosmopolitan face of this city.
Modern Quito is marked by increasingly higher buildings that shelter large national and international corporations that have put the stakes on Ecuador for their businesses. This city concentrates the State apparatus so you will find ongoing large constructions and finished buildings where the country's most important decisions are made.
This capital was a pioneer in public mobility in Latin America by implementing the Fast Bus (Autobús de Tránsito Rápido Trolebús), in 1995, and the current Metrovía and Ecovía systems. In addition to this, the city's subway is being built at present.
Do you want a break from urban routine and stress? Besides the parks, you have two largo valleys 30 minutes away from Quito's financial center: Cumbayá and Los Chillos valleys where you may find every urban comfort in peaceful natural surroundings.
Cumbayá has become an important residential area for the people from Quito, with large malls and San Francisco de Quito University. In this satellite city you will find everything you need in a peaceful area near nature and with warm weather. Here you can ride your bike along ecological route El Chaquiñán and go for lunch in comfortable, modern, and cosmopolitan restaurants.
Los Chillos Valley also offers all comfort the Army Polytechnical School (ESPE University) and a complete mall. Enjoy the warm weather, the local cuisine ahornado, roasted pork) and the ecological reserves that surround the area, such as Rumibosque, Molinuco, and more.
What you don´t know from Quito
Panecillo or Quito Virgin is the world's unique winged virgin. This monument is an emblem of the city and is one of the highest in the world with 100 ft.
Basílica del Voto Nacional is America's largest neo-Gothic temple with gargoyles that represent Ecuador's endemic animals, such as pumas, Galapagos turtles, howling monkeys, and more.
The cities of Quito and Seville are the world's two cities that keep the Arrastre de Caudas tradition in Holy Week. This gloomy ceremony goes back 500 years.
Quito is South America's most ancient capital. Although its foundation is not quite certain, it celebrates the city's Spanish conquest in 1534.

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