Ecuador´s Maps

Find information about Ecuador´s maps, map of natural regions, political map, physical map, tourist map, tourist road map, maps of the provinces of Ecuador.

Ecuador´s Map

Ecuador is located at the 0 parallel (equinox line), so is located in both, the northern and southern hemisphere. It has two uses UTC5 in continental Ecuador, UTC6 in insular Ecuador (where the Galapagos Islands are located). Its most important reliefs are: the Andes Mountain Range centre, the coastal plain, and the Amazon plain. Geographical features and topographical irregularity have resulted in different types of ecosystems manifesting in Ecuador.

Ecuador is located on the equinox line in north-western South America. With 256,379 square kilometres, and a population that exceeds 17 million inhabitants, Ecuador is the ninth largest country in South America and has a very diverse geography in its four natural regions: Coast, Andes, Amazon and Galapagos.

Ecuador’s touristic map

Ecuador promotes its touristic destinations, with its protected areas as one of the most outstanding natural attractions in Ecuador. The Ministry of the Environment is promoting and raising awareness of the conservation of nature reserves.

Touristic Road Map of Ecuador

This map will help you to review the different routes or roads to be able to move to the different tourist places of Ecuador. Ecuador has been responsible for developing routes, in most cases of first order, to travel to the different destinations within Ecuador.

Ecuador´s Political Map

It is divided administratively and politically into 24 provinces with their respective capitals, including the island region. These 24 provinces are divided into cantons, and the cantons are divided into parishes.

Provinces of Ecuador´s Map

This map shows us the 23 provinces of the continental Ecuador, there is no Galapagos.

Ecuador´s natural regions map

Ecuador is made up of 4 natural regions, Coast or Littoral region (its coastal profile borders the Pacific Ocean), the Sierra or Interandina region, which has the particularity of being crossed by the Andes Mountain Range, the Eastern or Amazon region has abundant vegetation, there are most of ecosystems and diversity of the country, island region or Galapagos (known as the Enchanted Islands).

Ecuador´s Physical Map

In this map you can identify the geographical structure of the country. Also, you can spot the main mountain systems, hydrography and other types of geographical features.

  1. Azuay´s maps
  2. Bolivar´s maps
  3. Cañar´s maps
  4. Carchi map´s
  5. Chimborazo map´s
  6. Cotopaxi´s maps
  7. El Oro´s maps
  8. Esmeraldas´ maps
  9. Galapagos´maps
  10. Guayas´ maps
  11. Imbabura´s maps
  12. Loja´s maps
  13. Los Ríos´maps
  14. Manabí´s maps
  15. Morona Santiago´s maps
  16. Napo´s maps
  17. Orellana´s maps
  18. Pastaza´s maps
  19. Pichincha´s maps
  20. Santa Elena´s maps
  21. Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas´maps

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